When I wake up I'm pleased to say
I thank God for another day
Whether I'm at work or I'm at play
I want to send my thoughts His way
For all the things He's giving me
I want to say it's plain to see
Without Him in my life
There'd be struggles there's be strife
The new position He put me in
If I can help then they can win
Helping out sisters and brothers
Lending hands to young mothers
Shepherd's LightHouse is the best
I'm glad they found me on my quest
There is light from up above
That is only God's, pure love
May the light shine through the dark
And for many provide a spark
To lift them up so they can say
That they have finally found the way
As a parent to what's good
And raise their children the way they should
To work real hard and do their best
And do the things that he suggests
In 2006, after a very rough divorce, my ex-husband taking all six of my children in the middle of the night and then eventually having all of them placed in foster care and separated from each other for the first time. We were living in Kentucky and my children were now in Florida. I was determined to get my children back, so I moved from my home and went to a town I knew no one and nothing about. After a lot of scary days I found Shepherd's LightHouse. I walked in the door and knew it was going to be okay.
The LightHouse gave me a chance to keep my baby and pushed me to new challenges daily. I learned how to cook, clean, job skills, and meet so many wonderful people.....I was so blessed to have had the opportunity to be the first resident at the LightHouse that to this day, I still use the teachings I received from them. My daughter Teressa and I are still doing well and always remember where we came from. My daughter is starting high school this year. I love you, Ms. Y and Ms. Theresa.
Christina Story
Glory be to God, through discipline, faith, patience and obedience a yearlong season of homeless
shelters is coming to an end.
I am a single mother of three beautiful boys and a fourth on the way. I am a survivor of domestic
violence. We spent seven months at Creative Services and we are currently still working with Shepherd’s
Shepherd’s LightHouse has become our second family. Since day one of speaking with our Case Manager
Ms. Theresa and the Executive Director Mrs. Yolanda they got straight to business, guiding, and my
every step straight from the start. Coming into Shepherd’s LightHouse I felt low in confidence, self-
esteem, and felt defeated. Shepherd’s LightHouse offered many services and one major helpful service I
didn’t realize I needed was my Life Coach Mrs. Susan. She is a member of the Shepherd’s LightHouse
Board and also does an excellent job. She guided me on how to start self -love over people pleasing and
within just a couple months helped me do a 180’from the inside out speaking my truth unapologetically.
Shepherd’s LightHouse has a huge variety of resources and working hard in hand with all of the
resources and I have a future in our own home being self-sufficient and remaining connected with
Shepherd’s LightHouse forever and ever Amen.